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Forum for the Future of Aid

Southern Voices for Change in the International Aid System Project

The Forum on the Future of Aid is an online community dedicated to research and opinions about how the international aid system currently works and where it should go next

organised by ODI
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20 Feb 2006 - 15:15
Form and performance of institutions
One of the major obstacles in Africa is the form

and performance of institutions. To make aid function better a key task is to improve the accountability and

transparency of institutions. In particular to prevent rent-seeking in government institutions in Africa it is important

to decentralize the institutional power structure. Another major task is to encourage African countries to build

stronger regional blocs. This is because following de-colonisation many African countries were left with many tribes in

one country – this has been an obstacle in the creation of nation states in Africa . Regionalism can contribute to the

removal of this obstacle and shift people from a tribal mentality to a regional mentality. This would then serve to

reduce ethnic-religious clashes in Africa.

originally submitted via the old FFA website by Ghani Majidi, Essex

University , UK

15 Mar 2006 - 03:47
Use informal and formal organisations which are people's own!
From Dr. Sapovadia - use Self Help Group and Cooperative organisation - their strength in eradicating poverety. These are powerful socio-economic institute capable to uplift masses, and they are made up of targetted peer members.

Quote admin:
One of the major obstacles in Africa is the form

and performance of institutions. To make aid function better a key task is to improve the accountability and

transparency of institutions. In particular to prevent rent-seeking in government institutions in Africa it is important

to decentralize the institutional power structure. Another major task is to encourage African countries to build

stronger regional blocs. This is because following de-colonisation many African countries were left with many tribes in

one country – this has been an obstacle in the creation of nation states in Africa . Regionalism can contribute to the

removal of this obstacle and shift people from a tribal mentality to a regional mentality. This would then serve to

reduce ethnic-religious clashes in Africa.

originally submitted via the old FFA website by Ghani Majidi, Essex

University , UK

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