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Forum for the Future of Aid

Southern Voices for Change in the International Aid System Project

The Forum on the Future of Aid is an online community dedicated to research and opinions about how the international aid system currently works and where it should go next

organised by ODI
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20 Feb 2006 - 15:12
hunger problem
I am particularly interested in the issues as they relate to the hunger

problem. Certainly, during massive hunger situations, such as that currently in Niger , food should be provided on an

urgent as-needed basis. But it is also clear to me that one doesn't solve the hunger problem by feeding people. One

needs some sort of social transformation, some sort of reconfiguration of social forces so that people are not

permanently on the edge of starvation.

This may require aid from abroad, but it also requires a vision and a

plan of action. Too often, there is aid without vision, and vision without resources and without plans. The question is

how to bring together the vision, the resources, and the plans in a good way.

I currently lean toward global

programs that envision a social and economic safety net of some form. It could begin by assuring that all children under

the age of five are adequately nourished. That assurance should be backed by the international community, as a matter of

respect for their human right to adequate food.

Obviously this is only the rough outline of a vision, and there

is much that would need to be worked out. I would like to know whether you think this would be a sensible path to


originally submitted via the old FFA website by George Kent, University of Hawaii ,


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